Lab Virtual Tour

Lab Map
- 1 Graduate Student Office
- 2 Laboratory View Looking South
- 3 View Out of Lab Windows
- 4 CHI 1040A (8-Channel Electrochemical Workstation
- 5 CHI 650C/BI-2000 (Electrochemical Workstation/Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectrometer)
- 6 Laminar Fume Hood
- 7 CHI 1040A (8-Channel Electrochemical Workstation)
- 8 Vented Fume Hood
- 9 Laboratory View Looking West
- 10 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Cary 50)
- 11 Fluorimeter (FluoroMax 4)
- 12 CHI 1040A (8-Channel Electrochemical Workstation
- 13 LOMO Stereo Microscope
- 14 Sutter Instrument P-2000 Laser Based Micropipette Pller and UV-Ozone Cleaner (Jelight UVO Cleaner 42)
- 15 Incubators (New Brunswick Galaxy 14 S)
- 16 CHI 1140B (Galvanostat) with ALS Rotating Ring Disk Electrode Apparatus
- 17 CHI 1040A (8-Channel Electrochemical Workstation)
- 18 CHI 1040A (8-Channel Electrochemical Workstation)
- 19 CHI 920C (Scanning Electrochemical Microscope)
- 20 40X-1600X Metallurgical Microscope
- 21 Graduate Student Office