In late June, Dr. Morin and group members participated in NCMNs annual Bright Lights Nanocamp. Dr. Morin gave a presentation on active soft materials, 3D printing, and soft machines, and students had some hands on experience with soft robotics.
Aug 29
In late June, Dr. Morin and group members participated in NCMNs annual Bright Lights Nanocamp. Dr. Morin gave a presentation on active soft materials, 3D printing, and soft machines, and students had some hands on experience with soft robotics.
Mar 07
Prof. Morin was recognized on the front page of UNL Today for winning a five-year Faculty Early Career Development Program Award from the National Science Foundation (DMR-1555356). This 5-year award will help the Morin lab expand its research efforts in the area of hybrid inorganic/organic materials. Congratulations to Prof. Morin and the Morin group!