Abhi’s paper, “Soft Microreactors for the Deposition of Conductive Metallic Traces on Planar, Embossed, and Curved Surfaces” was accepted to Advanced Functional Materials, congratulations!
Aug 10
Mark and Vinod’s paper was accepted!
Mark and Vinod’s paper, “Microscale screen printing of large-area arrays of microparticles for the fabrication of photonic structures and for optical sorting” was accepted to Journal of Materials Chemistry C, congratulations! This work was featured in the the themed collection titled “Journal of Materials Chemistry C Emerging Investigators”.
About this collection
“Journal of Materials Chemistry C is proud to present this themed issue highlighting 2018’s rising stars of materials chemistry research. This issue gathers the very best work from materials chemists in the early stages of their independent career.
Each contributor was recommended by experts in their fields as carrying out work with the potential to influence future directions in materials chemistry. Congratulations to all of those who feature on their important work so far in the field of materials for optical, magnetic and electronic devices.”