Publications & Presentations


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1. M. A. Langell and S. L. Bernasek, “LEED/Auger Observations of Cubic Sodium Tungsten Bronze Single Crystals”, Surf. Sci. 69 (1977) 727.
2. M. A. Langell and S. L. Bernasek, “Transition Metal Compound Surfaces”, Progr. Surf. Sci. (1979) 165.
3. M. A. Langell and S. L. Bernasek, “Transition Metal Compound Surfaces. 1. The Cubic Sodium Tungsten Bronze (NaxWO3) Surface”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 17 (1980) 1288.
4. M. A. Langell and S. L. Bernasek, “Transition Metal Compound Surfaces. 2. The Tungsten Trioxide Surface”, J. Vac. Sci Technol. 17 (1980) 1296.
5. M. A. Langell and S. L. Bernasek, “High-energy-electron-loss spectroscopy of WO3(100) and Nax WO3(100) single-crystal surfaces”, Phys. Rev. B 23 (1981) 1584.
6. C. J. Schramm, M. A. Langell and S. L. Bernasek, “The Sodium Order-Disorder Transition on the NaxWO3 (100) Surface”, Surface Science 110 (1981) 217.
7. M. A. Langell and G. A. Somorjai, “The composition and structure of oxide films grown on the (110) crystal face of iron”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 21 (1982) 858.
8. W. R. Vaughan, B. A. Gross, S. E. Burkle, M. A. Langell, R. Caple and D. B. Oakes, “6, 2-Methyl Migration in the Norbornane System”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 48 (1983) 4792.
9. R. P. Furstenau, G. McDougall and M. A. Langell, “Initial Stages of Hydrogen Reduction of NiO (110)”, Surf. Sci., 150 (1985) 55-79.
10. R. P. Furstenau and M. A. Langell, “Adsorption of ethylene on stoichiometric and reduced NiO(100)”, Surf. Sci., 159 (1985) 108.
11. J. J. Scholz and M. A. Langell, “Kinetic Analysis of Metal Oxide Reduction”, Surf. Sci., 164 (1985) 543.
12. M. A. Langell and R. P. Furstenau, “Gas adsorption properties of stoichiometric and reduced NiO(100)”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 26 (1986) 445.
13. M. A. Langell and N. R. Cameron, “Thermally Induced Surface Reconstruction of MnO (100)”, Surf. Sci., 185 (1987) 105.
14. M. A. Langell, “Preferential Sputtering in the 3d Metal Monoxides”, Surf. Sci., 186 (1987) 323.
15. M. A. Langell, “Incongruent Sputtering in Metal Oxides”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B, 28 (1987) 502.
16. M. A. Langell and L. S. Colbert, “Incongruent Sputtering in NiO (100) and CoO (100) with 3 keV Argon Ions”, in Fundamentals of Beam-Solid Interactions and Transient Processing, Eds., M. J. Aziz, L. E. Rehn and B. Striteker, 100 (1988) 151.
17. S. S. Jaswal, M. A. Engelhardt, M. A. Langell and D. J. Sellmyer, “Electronic Structure and Surface Reactivity of R2Fe14B Compounds”, Proc. Intermag. and Magnetic Methods (Vancouver), (1988) 371.
18. S. S. Jaswal, M. A. Langell, Y. G. Ren, M. A. Engelhardt and D. J. Sellmyer “Electronic Structure and Surface Reactivity of Nd2Fe14B and Related Compounds”, J. Appl. Phys., 64 (1988) 5577 (1988).
19. M. A. Langell, Y. G. Ren and D. J. Sellmyer, “AES/XPS studies of oxidized R2Fe4B alloys”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 82 (1989) 213.
20. K. W. Wulser and M. A. Langell, “Methanol Adsorption on Single Crystal NiO(100)) HREELS Deconvolution”, Am. Chem. Soc. Abst., 198th Col., (1989) 79.
21. M. Mahon and M. A. Langell, “XPS/AES of Metal Carbonyls Ligated to Chemically Modified Titanium Dioxide Thin Films”, Chem. Mod. Oxide Surfaces. 3, Eds., D. Leyden and W. T. Collins (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York, 1990) 205.
22. M. Mahon, K. W. Wulser and M. A. Langell, “Previous Article Next Article Table of Contents
Metal oxide surface modification with iron pentacarbonyl: Ligation to surface-tethered 2-(trimethoxysilyl)ethyl-2-pyridine”, Langmuir, 7 (1991) 486.
23. C. L. Berrie and M. A. Langell, “The Auger Parameter, Polarization Energies and Electronegativities: Application to a Series of Nonconducting Barium Salts”, Surface Inter. Anal., 17 (1991) 635.
24. K. W. Wulser, B. H. Hearty and M. A. Langell, “Valence Density of States of Hydrogen-Reduced NiO(100)”, National Synchrotron Light Source Annual Report, 1991.
25. K. W. Wulser and M. A. Langell, “Methanol Adsorption on Single Crystal NiO(100) Studied by HREELS Deconvolution”, J. Electron Spectrosc. Rel. Phenom., 59 (1992) 223.
26. K. W. Wulser and M. A. Langell, “Carboxylic Acid Adsorption on NiO(100) Characterized by X-ray Photoelectron and High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopies”, Catal. Letters, 15 (1992) 39.
27. K. W. Wulser, B. H. Hearty and M. A. Langell, “NiO(100) Valence-Band Density of States During Hydrogen Reduction”, Phys. Rev. B, 46 (1992) 9724.
28. K. W. Wulser and M. A. Langell, “Temporary Negative-Ion Resonances in the NiO(100) High Resolution Electron Loss Spectrum”, Phys. Rev. B, 48 (1993) 9006.
29. C. L. Berrie and M. A. Langell, “Chemical environment of Ba2+ in a series of chalconide and halide salts”, Surf. Interface Anal., 21 (1994) 245.
30. K. W. Wulser and M. A. Langell, “Fuchs-Kleiwer Phonon Structure and Surface Integrity of NiO(100) “, Surface Sci., 314 (1994) 385.
31. M.A. Langell, C.L. Berrie, M.H. Nassir and K.W. Wulser, “Adsorption of Acetic Acid on Hydroxylated NiO(111) Thin Films”, Surface Sci. 320 (1994) 25.
32. M.H. Nassir and M.A. Langell, “CoO(100) Fuchs-Kliewer Phonon Spectrum by High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy”, Solid State Commun. 92 (1994) 791.
33. M.A. Langell and M.H. Nassir, “Stabilization of NiO(111) Thin Films by Surface Hydroxyls”, J. Phys. Chem., 99 (1995) 4162.
34. G.A. Carson, M.H. Nassir and M.A. Langell, “Co3O4 Epitaxial Formation on CoO(100)”, Proc. Mater. Res. Soc., 335 (1995) 163-168.
35. G. Carson, M.H. Nassir and M. A. Langell, “Epitaxial Growth of Co3O4 on CoO(100)”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A14 (1996) 1637.
36. M.A. Langell, C.W. Hutchings, G.A. Carson and M.H. Nassir, “High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of MnO(100) and Oxidized MnO(100)”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A14 (1996) 1656.
37. J.L Armstrong, J.M. White and M.A. Langell, “Thermal Decomposition Reactions of Acetaldehyde and Acetone on Si(100)”, J. Vac. Soc. Technol., A15 (1997) 1146.
38. D.L. Pugmire, C.M. Woodbridge and M.A. Langell, “Orientation of Nickelocene on Ag(100)”, Surface Sci., 411 (1998) L844.
39. G.A. Carson, M.H. Nassir, K.W. Wulser and M.A. Langell, “Fuchs-Kliewer Phonon Spectrum of Single Crystal NiO(100) and of Ni(100)/NiO(111) and Ni(100)/NiO(100) Thin Films”, Surface Sci. Spectra, 5 (1998) 229.
40. G.A. Carson, M.H. Nassir and M.A. Langell, “CoO(100) and CoO(100)/ Co3O4 Fuchs-Kliewer Phonon Spectra”, Surface Sci. Spectra, 5 (1998) 235.
41. M.A. Langell, G.A. Carson, M. Anderson, S. Smith and L. Peng, “Valence-band electronic structure of Co3O4 epitaxy on CoO(100)”, Phys. Rev. B, 59 (1999) 4791.
42. M.W. Nydegger, G. Couderc and M.A. Langell, “Surface Composition of CoxNi1-xO Solid Solutions by X-ray Photoelectron and Auger Spectroscopies”, Appl. Surface Sci., 147 (1999) 58.
43. M.A. Langell, G.A. Carson, S. Smith, L. Peng, M.H. Nassir, “The Valence Electronic Structure of Co3O4: Is It a Charge-Transfer Insulator?”, Proc. Mater. Res. Soc., 547 (1999) (Editors S.M. Kauzlarich, E.M. McCarron III, A.W. Sleight and H.C. zur Loye) 255.
44. C. M. Woodbridge, X. J. Gu, M. A. Langell, “Extra-atomic relaxation energies and auger parameters of titanium compounds”, Surf. Interface Anal., 27 (1999) 816.
45. D.L. Pugmire, C.M. Woodbridge, S. Root and M.A. Langell, “Nickelocene Adsorption on Single-Crystal Surfaces”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., 17 (1999) 1581.
46. J. Choi, H. Dulli, Y. Feng, S.-H. Liou, P. Dowben and M.A. Langell, “The Influence of Surface Terminal Layer and Surface Defects on the Electronic Structure of CMR Perovskites: La0.65A0.35MnO3 (A=Ca, Sr, Ba)”, Physica Status Solidi B, 214 (1999) 45.
47. M.A. Langell, F. Gevrey and M.W. Nydegger, “Surface Composition of MnxCo1-xO Solid Solutions by X-ray Photoelectron and Auger Spectroscopies”, Appl. Surface Sci., 153 (2000) 114-127.
48. C.M. Woodbridge, D.L. Pugmire, R.C. Johnson, N.M. Boag and M.A. Langell, “HREELS and XPS Studies of Ferrocene on Ag(100)” J. Phys. Chem. B, 104 (2000) 3085-3093.
49. D.L. Pugmire, C.M Woodbridge and M.A. Langell, “Adsorption of Nickelocene on Si(111)”, Book of Abstracts, 219th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 26-30, (2000) 2000.
50. M.A. Langell, D.L. Pugmire, and W.H. McCarroll, “Surface Characterization of Single Crystal Co3O4 and CoO(100)/ Co3O4 Thin-film Epitaxy”, Book of Abstracts, 219th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 26-30 2000 (2000).
51. M.A. Langell, C.M. Woodbridge, D.L. Pugmire and N.M. Boag,.”Adsorption and Decomposition of Decamethylferrocene on Ag(100).”, Book of Abstracts, 219th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 26-30, 2000 (2000).
52. J.-G. Kim, D.L. Pugmire, D. Battaglia and M.A. Langell, “Analysis of the NiCo2O4 Spinel Surface with Auger and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy”, Appl. Surface Sci. 165 (2000) 70.
53. D.L. Pugmire, C.M. Woodbridge, N.M. Boag and M.A. Langell, “Adsorption and decomposition of nickelocene on Ag(1 0 0): a high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy and temperature programmed desorption study”, Surface. Sci., 472 (2001) 155-171.
54. M.A. Langell, J.G. Kim, D.L. Pugmire and W. McCarroll, “The Nature of Oxygen at Rocksalt and Spinel Oxide Surfaces”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., 19(4) (2001) 1977-1982.
55. S.C. Petitto and M.A. Langell, “Surface Composition and Structure of Co3O4(110) and the Effect of Impurity Segregation”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., 22(4) (2004) 1690-1696.
56. E.M. Malone, S.C.Pettito and M.A. Langell, “Fuchs-Kliewer Phonon Spectrum of Co3O4(110) Single Crystal Surfaces by High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy”, Solid State Comm., 130(9) (2004) 571-575.
57. E. Papastavros, P.J. Shea, and M.A. Langell, “Oxygen, Carbon and Sulfur Segregation in Annealed and Unannealed Zerovalent Iron Substrates”, Langmuir, 20(26), (2004) 11509-11516.
58. E. M. Malone, S. C. Petitto, M. A. Langell, “Fuchs-Kliewer Phonon Spectrum of Co3O4(110) by High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy”, Surf. Sci, Spectra., 11, (2004) 43-51.
59. S.C. Petitto, E.M. Malone, and M.A. Langell, “The Periodically-Stepped NiO(100) Surface and the Adsorption of Bromobenzene”, J. Phys. Chem. B., 110(3), (2006) 1309-1318.
60. E. M. Malone, S. C. Petitto, G. S. Harbison, K. W. Wulser, M. A. Langell, “Deconvolution of the Co3O4(110) Fuchs-Kliewer Phonon Spectrum”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., 23(4), (2005) 1061-1066.
61. S.C. Petitto and M.A. Langell, “Cu2O(110) Formation on Co3O4(110) Induced by Copper Impurity Segregation”, Surf. Sci., 599(1-3), (2005), 27-41.
62. S.C. Petitto, C.L. Berrie, and M.A. Langell, “Novel Mesoscale Defect Structure on NiO(100) Surfaces by Atomic Force Microscopy”, Surf. Sci. Lett., 600(17), 229-235 (2006).
63. Evgueni B. Kadossov and Marjorie A. Langell, “Effect of surrounding Point Charges on the Density Functional Calculations of NiXOX Clusters (x=4-12)”, J. Computational Chem., 8(7), 1240-1251 (2007).
64. Anthony W. Moses, Harry G. Garcia Flores, Jong-Gyu Kim and Marjorie A. Langell, “Surface Properties of LiCoO2, LiNiO2 and LiNi1-xCoxO2”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 253(10), 4782-4791 (2007).
65. K.J. Gaskell, A. Starace and M.A.Langell,“ZnxNi1-xO Rocksalt Oxide Surfaces: Novel Environment for Zn2+ and Its Effect on the NiO Band Structure”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111(37), 13912-13921 (2007).
66. D.W. Brooks, J. Markwell, M.A. Langell, R. Emry, K.J. Crippen, H. Brooks, A. Abuloum and K.C. Cohen, “Web-Based Pedagogical Content Coursework for High School Chemistry Teachers,” J. Chem. Ed., 84(11), 1861-1865 (2007).
67. S.C. Petitto, E.M. Marsh, G.A. Carson and M.A. Langell, “Cobalt Oxide Surface Chemistry: the Interaction of CoO(100), Co3O4(110) and Co3O4(111) with Oxygen and Water”, J. Molecular Catal. A, 281, 49-58 (2008).
68. K.J. Gaskell, A. Starace and M.A. Langell., “ZnxNi1-xO Mixed-Metal Oxides by XPS and Auger”, Surf. Sci. Spectra, 14, 79-102 (2008, Vol.. Date 2007).
69. K.J. Gaskell, A. Starace and M.A. Langell., “ZnxNi1-xO Mixed-Metal Oxides by AES”, Surf. Sci. Spectra, 14, 68-78 (2008, vol. date 2007).
70. M.A. Langell, E.B. Kadossov, H. Boparai and P.J. Shea, “Effect of Sodium Dithionite on the Surface Composition of Iron-Containing Aquifer Sediment,” Surface and Interface Analysis, 41(12/13), 941-950 (2009).
71. N. Hong, M Langell and S Adenwalla, “N-doping of Semiconducting Boron Carbide”, Phys. Rev. B, 107(2), 024513/1-7 (2010).
72. M.A. Peck, M. D. Allison, Y. Huh, R. Skomski, R. Zhang, P. Kharel, D. J. Sellmyer, and M. A. Langell, “Magnetic Properties of NiO and (Ni, Zn)O Nanoclusters”, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07B518/1-4 (2011).
73. J.M. Lee and M.A. Langell, “Chemical State of Excess Lanthanum at the Surface of La2NiMnO6 Double Perovskite”, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, to be submitted.
74. M.A. Peck and M.A. Langell, “Comparison of Nano-scaled and Bulk NiO Structural and Environmental Characteristics by XRD, XAFS and XPS”, Chem. Mater. 24 (23), 4483–4490 (2012).
75. A.T. Fulmer and M.A. Langell, “Effect of Composition on NixFe3-xO4 Ferrite Nanoparticles on Structure and Bonding”, in prep.
76. D. Wilson and M.A. Langell, “Effect of Annealing on the Surface Composition of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles”, in prep.
77. M.A. Peck and M.A. Langell, “ZnxNi1-xO Solid Solutions Studied by XAF and XPS”, to be submitted.
78. M.A. Peck and M.A. Langell, “Zinc Cations in a Unique Environment: XANES of ZnxNi1-xO Rocksalt Solid Solutions”, Chemistry of Materials, submitted.


249th National ACS Meeting in Denver, CO (March 22 – 26, 2015)

M. Langell. “Local and long range structure in metal oxide nanoparticles.” (Oral presentation)

D. Wilson, M. Langell.  “Synthesis and characterization of homogeneous Zn(x)Cu(1-x)O solid-solutions.”

M. Langell, M. Peck, M. Kumbier, D. Wilson.  “Local and long range structure in metal oxide nanoparticles.”

M. Kumbier, G. Christensen, M. Langell.  “Controlling the unit cell lattice parameters in nanoscaled CuxPd1-xO by composition and crystallite size.”

G. Harbison, Y. Kye, M. Langell, M. Kumbier.  “Oxidative degradation of trinitrotoluene by mixed metal oxide nanoparticles in water.”