Eckhardt, C. J.. Organic Molecular Solids. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals (2008), 487 173-174. CODEN: MCLCD8 ISSN:1542-1406. AN 2008:986515 CAPLUS
Mohapatra, Himansu; Eckhardt, Craig J.. Elastic Constants and Related Mechanical Properties of the Monoclinic Polymorph of the Carbamazepine Molecular Crystal. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2008), 112(8), 2293-2298.
Eckhardt, Craig J.; Gavezzotti, Angelo. Computer Simulations and Analysis of Structural and Energetic Features of Some Crystalline Energetic Materials. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2007), 111(13), 3430-3437.
Haycraft, James J.; DeVries, Christine A.; Garcia Flores, Harry; Lech, Angelika; Hagen, James P.; Eckhardt, Craig J. Experimental Investigation of the Reversible Collapse of a Capped Amphiphile Langmuir Monolayer. Thin Solid Films (2007), 515(5), 2990-2997.
Eckhardt, Craig J.. Mechanochemistry: the last energetic frontier. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals (2006), 456 1-14.
Haycraft, James J.; Stevens, Lewis L.; Eckhardt, Craig J., Single-crystal, polarized, Raman scattering study of the molecular and lattice vibrations for the energetic material cyclotrimethylene. Journal of Applied Physics (2006), 100(5), 053508/1-053508/9
Haycraft, James J.; Stevens, Lewis L.; Eckhardt, Craig J. The elastic constants and related properties of the energetic material cyclotrimethylene trinitramine (RDX) determined by Brillouin scattering. Journal of Chemical Physics (2006), 124(2), 024712/1-024712/11.
Stevens, Lewis L.; Haycraft, James J.; Eckhardt, Craig J. Single-Crystal, Polarized Raman-Scattering Study of the Molecular and Lattice Vibrations for the Energetic Material Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine, beta -Polymorph (beta -HMX). Crystal Growth & Design (2005), 5(6), 2060-2065.
Stevens, Lewis L.; Eckhardt, Craig J.The elastic constants and related properties of beta -HMX determined by Brillouin scattering. Journal of Chemical Physics (2005), 122(17), 174701/1-174701/8.
Eckhardt, C. J. Energetic Materials, Part 1: Decomposition, Crystal and Molecular Properties (edited by Peter A. Politzer and Jane S. Murray). Journal of the American Chemical Society (2004), 126(45), 14997.
Selbo, J. G.; Haycraft, J. J.; Eckhardt, C. J. Elastic and Thermodynamic Properties of Dianin's Inclusion Compounds and Their Guest-Host Interactions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2003), 107(40), 11163-11169.
Selbo, Jon G.; Desper, John M.; Eckhardt, Craig J. Structural studies of guest-host interactions in Dianin's clathrates. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry (2003), 45(1-2), 73-78.
Luty, Tadeusz; Ordon, Piotr; Eckhardt, Craig J. A model for mechanochemical transformations: Applications to molecular hardness, instabilities, and shock initiation of reaction. Journal of Chemical Physics (2002), 117(4), 1775-1785.
Eckhardt, Craig J.; Luty, Tadeusz. A solid-state approach to Langmuir monolayers, their phases, phase transitions, and design. Handbook of Thin Film Materials (2002), 2 685-733.
Moser, A. E.; Eckhardt, C. J.. A method for reliable measurement of relative frictional properties of different self-assembled monolayers using frictional force microscopy. Thin Solid Films(2001), 382(1,2), 202-213.
Munn, Robert W.; Eckhardt, Craig J.. A Model for Resonance-Assisted Hydrogen Bonding in Crystals and Its Graph Set Analysis. Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2001), 105(28), 6938-6942.
Morris, K. R.; Griesser, U. J.; Eckhardt, C. J.; Stowell, J. G. Theoretical approaches to physical transformations of active pharmaceutical ingredients during manufacturing processes. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (2001), 48(1), 91-114.
H. Flores; Erickson, C. A.; Lech, A.; Hagen, J.; Eckhardt, Craig J.. Unusual collapse behavior of a Langmuir film of a novel amphiphile. Book of Abstracts, 219th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 26-30, 2000, CHED-734.
Sandstedt, C. A.; Michalski, D.; Eckhardt, C. J.. Microscopic and Bulk Elastic Properties in Supramolecular Systems: Guest-Host Interactions in Dianin's Inclusion Compounds. Tetrahedron (2000), 56(36), 6625-6632.
Sandstedt, C. A.; Michalski, D.; Eckhardt, C. J.. Quantitative measurement of guest-host interactions in supramolecular systems: a comparative Brillouin scattering study of the Dianin's compound clathrand and two of its isostructural clathrates. Journal of Chemical Physics (2000), 112(17), 7606-7614.
Luty, Tadeusz; Eckhardt, Craig J.. Cooperative effects in solid-state reactions. Molecular Solid State (1999), 3 51-87.
Luty, Tadeusz; Eckhardt, Craig J.; Lefebvre, Jacques.Langmuir monolayers as disordered solids: Disorder and elastic fluctuations in mesophases. Journal of Chemical Physics (1999), 111(22), 10321-10329.
Luty, Tadeusz; Swanson, David R.; Eckhardt, Craig J..Langmuir monolayers as disordered solids: Strain-tilt-backbone coupling and natural order parameters for the swiveling transitions. Journal of Chemical Physics (1999), 110(5), 2606-2611.
Foley, James L.; Li, Lian; Sandman, Daniel J.; Vela, Michael J.; Foxman, Bruce M.; Albro, Rick; Eckhardt, Craig J.. Side Group Interactions in a Polydiacetylene Single Crystal. Journal of the American Chemical Society (1999), 121(31), 7262-7263.
Eckhardt, C. J.; Luty, T.; Peachey, N. M. Collective interactions and solid state reactivity. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology, Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals (1998), 313 25-38.
White, K. M.; Eckhardt, C. J.. Single crystal Raman spectra of 1,2,4,5-tetrabromobenzene: Calculational and experimental assignment of the internal modes. Journal of Chemical Physics (1998), 109(1), 208-213.
Michalski, Darek; Eckhardt, Craig J.. Computational Determination of the Elastic Properties of the a-Phenazine Crystal. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (1997), 101(47), 9690-9694.
Swanson, David R.; Luty, Tadeusz; Eckhardt, Craig J.. Langmuir monolayers as disordered solids: Strain-state calculations applied to stearic acid. Journal of Chemical Physics (1997), 107(12), 4744-4750.
Gibson, M. D.; Swanson, D. R.; Eckhardt, C. J.; Zeng, X. C.Monte Carlo simulation of the solid to superliquid phase transition of Langmuir monolayers. II. Characteristics of phase transition. Journal of Chemical Physics (1997), 106(5), 1961-1966.
Michalski, Darek; Swanson, David R.; Eckhardt, Craig J.. Elasticity, Bulk Modulus, and Mode Grueneisen Parameters of the HPTB Molecular Crystal: Computational Investigation of a Clathrate Precursor. J. Phys. Chem.(1996), 100(22), 9506-9511.
Swanson, D. R.; Hardy, R. J.; Eckhardt, C. J.. Model calculations of Langmuir monolayers: Pressure effects on tilting behavior of idealized amphiphiles. Journal of Chemical Physics (1996), 105(2), 673-677.
Eckhardt, Craig J.. Organic Molecular Crystals: Interaction, Localization and Transport Phenomena. By Edgar A. Silinsh (Latvian Academy of Sciences) and Vladislav Capek (Charles University, Prague). J. Am. Chem. Soc. (1996), 118(9), 2310.
Luty, Tadeusz; Eckhardt, Craig J.. Phase Transitions in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Molecular Solids: Tilt-Induced Elastic Multipoles and Their Interaction and Ferroelasticity in Langmuir Monolayers. Journal of Physical Chemistry (1996), 100(16), 6793-800.
White, K. M.; Eckhardt, C. J.. Anisotropic anharmonicity of lattice and molecular vibrations of 1,2,4,5-tetrabromobenzene determined by piezomodulated Raman spectroscopy.J. Chem. Phys. (1995), 103(9), 3279-88.
Luty, Tadeusz; Eckhardt, Craig J.. General theoretical concepts for solid state reactions: quantitative formulation of the reaction cavity, steric compression, and reaction-induced stress using an elastic multipole representation of chemical pressure. Journal of the American Chemical Society (1995), 117(9), 2441-52.
Luty, Tadeusz; Eckhardt, Craig J.. Phase Transitions in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Molecular Solids. A Microscopic Theory of Tilt and Structural Instabilities in Langmuir Monolayers. J. Phys. Chem.(1995), 99(21), 8872-87.
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Peachey, N. M.; Eckhardt, C. J.. Energetics of Organic Solid-State Reactions: Piezomodulated Raman Spectroscopy, Modal Motion, and Anharmonicity in the 2,5-Distyrylpyrazine (DSP) Photoreaction. J. Phys. Chem.(1994), 98(29), 7106-15.
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Stezowski, John J.; Biedermann, P. Ulrich; Hildenbrand, Thomas; Dorsch, John A.; Eckhardt, Craig J.; Agranat, Israel. Overcrowded enes of the tricycloindane-1,3-dione series: interplay of twisting, folding and pyramidalization. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. (1993), (3), 213-15.
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