Department of Chemistry
Hamilton Hall
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE 68588-0304
Phone: (402)472-9388
This web site provides an informal account on the development of organic magnetic polymer in Rajca Lab. Following the discovery of triphenylmethyl by Moses Gomberg in 1900, very few triphenylmethyl based-polyradicals were prepared and studied, until the report on polyarylmethyl quintet tetraradical by the Rajca group in 1990. Since then, numerous high-spin polyarylmethyl based-polyradical have been prepared, leading to organic polymer with magnetic ordering. The story about this deveolpment is described as "behind the scenes", with some technical details that are not included in the published journal articles. Mainly, this is a collection of our notes on the development, particularly with the radical generations, sample preparations and characterizations.
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